Happy Connections

Ned and Gina

Where better to seek out happiness than in making spontaneous connections with other human beings? It’s a favorite pastime of mine. Going up or down in the elevator. Waiting on line at the post office or grocery store. Sure, you could just stand there and feel awkward, or bemoan the fact that the line isn’t moving any faster, or that there’s only one postal clerk window or check-out lane open at lunchtime…or…you could pass the time agreeably with the person in front of or behind you. Go on, make their day too!

For a more extended connection, Gina and I love to establish a friendly relationship with our waiter or waitress at a favorite or new eating place. Gina always asks the server what his or her name is – unless it’s offered first, which seems to be getting rarer these days! We don’t eat out very often, so when we do, we like it to be extra special and fun. So, to up the entertainment value, we try to bring our server in on the festivities.

Sometimes it works. Sometimes it doesn’t. When it doesn’t, we just laugh amongst ourselves, and hope that one day that person discovers his or her own blissification.

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  1. First of all, I love this picture….one of the best ones I’ve seen. As far as striking up a conversation with strangers–I do it all the time. Sometimes I think people think I’m goofy, but most of the time people will respond alike and soon we are no longer strangers. You’d be surprised what you can learn….also, all our fellow humans need at times is fellowship. How grand is that?

  2. I definitely get the goofy look sometimes – like I’ve really intruded in their day. 🙁

    But it hasn’t stopped me from trying, and 86% of the time it works, and you both get a smile out of it! And yes, Mama E, I love this picture, and this girl!

  3. Aw, I’m such a lucky girl!

    I do love how kind you are, Ned Andrew. Striking up a conversation with the deli clerks, learning the names of the cleaning crew at a hotel, sharing that fantastic smile of yours all over town are just three of the bazillion reasons I adore you.

    He’s a good boy, Mama E. 🙂

  4. ya know? It was so sweet going back to the Embassy Suites yesterday, ESPECIALLY because it was a meeting I wasn’t in charge of, and having great conversations with about 10 folks on the catering, front desk, AV and housekeeping staff. Made my day!

    • Sounds like a blast — and right up your alley. It is sometimes kind of fun to watch something happen without having to make it go, huh? (Though, I’d bet you would have enjoyed running the meeting if it were yours to run.)

      It’s kind of amazing to think of all of the folks you know… and who like you!

  5. I have to agree, that is a lovely picture.

    And then… The moment when you realize it took you almost two years to figure out the internet enough to check out people you care about on their blogs…


    Calming down, calming down.

    That isn’t what this is about.

    Right, back to the moral of this story.

    I love you, Ned. And Mom. B, too. I loved Champ. I love fish.

    Now I’m just being silly, fish don’t belong in that list!

    This is one ramble-y comment.

    I’m off to peruse the blog!

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